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Suitable House Report Example

Geomancy.netComputerized Report
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Suitable House Report
This report is generated for: Samuel Richard
  • Gender: Male
  • Conversion of Date of Birth:
    • Solar Calendar: 12 Sep 1954 between 1.00 p.m. to 2.59 p.m.
    • Lunar Calendar: 1954, 8th month, 16 day, between 1.00 p.m. to 2.59 p.m.

Please check that the above details are correct before proceeding. Otherwise, please correct it before reading the analysis.

About Suitable House
    This report helps you quickly determine a suitable type of house facing for you. Please note that this report only helps you determine the suitable house, it does not analyse whether the house feng shui is good or bad.
    Usually used together with the Flying Star Report or Good House Report for more accurate analysis.

Your most Suitable House
The North House

The most suitable house for you is a The North House or any house with the main door located in any of the 4 good sector as determined by the Eight House Report.

There is a more accurate report based on the Finding a Good House report. As it does not compare your true element against the house element, flying star of the house etc.

Note: You should refer to the Good House Report or Flying Star Report as it takes many more analysis in respect to suitability and feng shui of the house.
This Report was generated on 26 Apr 2001, 23:25:19 by Home Report v1.00 beta
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  • Hits: 89202